Lungfish - Love Is Love (Red Vinyl)

Format: LP
Availability: Out of stock



Remastered on Red Vinyl.

This is Lungfish's 10th full-length album, originally released in 2003. Listing highlights or standouts here is pointless, but here goes nothing. The slug-paced, trance-like "This World" chuffs itself a lyrical netherworld of infants, sphinxes, blankets, skulls, alphabets, brains and bodies, creating a melancholy, song-based lifeform that's both floaty and earthen. Think strange visions from within a flotation tank, penetrating the cold reaches of outer space as well as plumbing the murky depths of inner space. Elsewhere, the delectably droneworthy and unfeasibly beautiful "Peace Mountains of Peace" ends on a brazen collapse of messy synth splurges, while the perky "Nation Saving Song" is rare case of Lungfish on an uppers-hosted dance tip that's both rumbling and oddly funky. What does any of this say about the record? absolutely nothing. what is there to be gained from hearing it for yourself?

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